海镁特为储水容器保护的主导产品线,提供使用商标名称的产品和技术支持,产品其中包括HyTonic® 阳极和Correx® 外加电流系统

Alloy quality makes a critical difference; Magontec has made millions of HyTonic® anodes over many decades producing a safe product that also protects health for water storage heaters produced by our customers

Total control of the processes employed ensures that Magontec remains the leading producer of safe and high performance products. Magontec has been investing for decades in technical know-how focussed on the electrochemical processes and industrial production procedures.

Magontec controls all production processes from sourcing the raw material to casting or extruding. The company has an intimate understanding of casting processes and techniques required to ensure that the product meets application-specific conditions. Further processing offers a variety of finished products appropriate to the specific requirements of the household environment including dimensions, functions and mounting types

Magontec’s cathodic corrosion protection product range consists of:

  • HyTonic® Anodes
  • Correx® Impressed Current Systems
  • CorroScout® Measuring Systems
  • S-Patron® Intelligent Measuring and Control Systems

HyTonic® Anodes use a protective current to prevent corrosion in water storage heaters. Even a perfect enamel coating leaves minute parts unprotected that, added together, threaten dangerous corrosion potential


Active Corrosion Prevention

HyTonic® Anodes work in three ways:

  • Primary effect: Potential reduction by electrochemical polarisation.
  • Secondary effect: Support of protective coating formation.
  • Tertiary effect: Reduction of oxygen.

HyTonic® Anodes are based on Mg AZ 63, both cast and extruded in diverse variations. This guarantees optimal sizing even where unusual dimensions are called for. In most regions of the world the physiological harmlessness of the alloy is a critical factor in choosing HyTonic® Sacrificial Anodes

Today, hundreds of millions of applications prove the perfect interplay between the high purity alloys of HyTonic® Sacrificial Anodes and the multitude of different enamel coatings of water storage heaters.

Correx® 外加电流系统为热水储水容器的内胆提供持续的保护电流。尤其是配备太阳能系统、热泵或者电热连接装置都受益于外加电流系统的阴极腐蚀保护。Correx®外加电流系统可以确保提示每一次的系统故障,这使维修降到了最低。






我们提供三种型号:Correx® UP, Correx® MP, Correx® OP


钛阳极上带有多种氧化物涂层,它们的长度在50毫米至1200毫米范围之间,为了增强防护效果,可以成对的安装。更大的储水容器可同时使用几套系统来实现有效的防护。Correx® 外加电流阳极可以通过不同的安装组件来变化装配样式。容积为50升到5000升的储水容器能够很容易的被Correx® 安全的保护。

CorroScout®600 是专业的阴极腐蚀保护的阳极测试器。
该系统为绝缘和安装类型的牺牲阳极,以及Correx® 外加电流系统提供所有的重要检测功能。测试时无需断电或打开内胆。该产品配备了一个背光式的美观且坚固的外壳。


  • 阳极驱动电压 – 牺牲镁阳极的电压为2伏左右,而外加电流保护系统阳极的电压为20伏
  • 主电压测试 – 交流电压的范围是115至230伏
  • 内阻 – 在电阻为20欧姆范围内对内胆与汽锅进行控制
  • 电压平衡电阻  用于带有绝缘性电子管发热器安装类型的热水储水容器,以及带有电压平衡电阻、非搪瓷的扁平电子管或是热水交换器的热水器
  • 功能测试 – 利用二极管的倒换电极以此来保护内胆
  • 保护电流输入 – 一般情况为20毫安—200毫安


S-Patron® Measuring and Control Systems



3个控制器 – 1个目标:
能源高效性 + 智能保护您的投资(加热、太阳能和热水器应用)



S-Patron同时还拥有一项选择性功能,热力循环。该功能可以防止军团杆菌, 使您的家用热水器永久地保持健康的水质。除了确保水质的安全性,S-Patron还能通过有效地监督过热和防冻模式,来保护内置太阳能集热器。 该控制装置可靠地保护任何与电路连接的地管或平板收集器。


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